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Join date: Mar 26, 2021


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My name is Dana and I live in Toronto, Canada.

I tried to get your email address but was not able to find it.

I wanted to thank you for your video about moringa help with arthritis and would like to ask you some questions personally. In your videos you had OMG Moringa powder in your hads (making capsules and one with banana, almonds) yet you provided links to Moringa from PURE VIDA. Could you please let me know your opinion and experiance with both and differences between the two products.

Since I looked at what you had in your hands in video I ordered right away the same one from OMG and I am expecting to get it in 2 days excited to start using it but I was confused few minutes later (after ordering it) to see the links to Pure Vida.

Is it just for advertising purpase or there is something else?

Thank you again for your sharing and would you be so kind to reply to my email




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